Communication skills, HR, Customer Care

Communication skills training will help your team members to work together more effectively as well as improve their customer service skills. These instructor-led courses are available at your own office or at a choice of several locations, including Birmingham, Bristol, Exeter, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, London, Manchester, and Reading. Our courses on Communication skills, HR, Customer Care are available online and on-demand as group training, 1-2-1 and individual courses.

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We have 15 Communication skills, HR, Customer Care training courses available

Attention To Detail, Planning & Organising

Attention to detail, planning & organising training. Get the most from your day.

Being Assertive

People who are assertive thrive in the workplace, especially if the situations are ambiguous. They are able to stand up for themselves in a way that doesn't hurt other people's feelings. They are very transparent…

Time Management - Get THE Most From Your DAY

Get more from your day with our Time Management training course

Brand You

Personal branding is the practise of creating a recognised image or identity that sets you apart from others. Your personal brand is important as it’s the first impression you create and affects how others…

Cultural Awareness And Diversity

The workshop explores how cultural diversity operates within an organisation – how it is perceived, develops and manifests itself. Participants will assess the benefits of embracing cultural diversity…

Customer Service Excellence

This facilitated workshop will allow you to analyse the customer service levels you currently provide and benchmark these against latest research in delivering customer service excellence. It will offer…

Develop A Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset is one the building blocks of human learning and our brilliant 1 day course will give you the tools to excel further. This course is available at one of our European training centres or in-house…

Difficult Conversations

Everyone is required to communicate a difficult message at some point in their career. How this message is received is dependent on several factors and the outcome of a poorly delivered message can be catastrophic…

Effective Feedback

Employees and managers often dread feedback. When done in the right way and with the right intentions, feedback can lead to outstanding performance. Feedback is a gift. It should be given as a gift, received…

Shareable on LinkedIn

You can share your Course Certificates in the Certifications section of your LinkedIn profile, on printed resumes, CVs, or other documents.

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